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Stock Trailer Gallery
24' Stock (39154)
Custom options include:
2 Center gates, custom lights.
GVWR 16900 lbs)

39154 a

39154 b

39154 d

39154 a

39629 a

39629 b

39629 e

39629 a
Alpaca Trailer (39629)
Custom options include:
Custom jack, spare mounted outside, line & insulate, 50/50 rear doors, double anti-rack hardware, lights, switches, plexiglass in custom air cracks, WERM flooring, full-width padded bars, no inner fender, custom locks, custom windows with bars.
GVWR 7000 lbs)
36' Stock
with Inside Ramp (40571)
Custom options include:
Commercial hauler package, customer furnished tires and wheels, clean coat skin, treadplate floor, custom air cracks, custom lights, painted toprail, 2 center gates with double swing slam latches, toe boards, access door on nose, vents, slats on gates, split drop partition, fold-up ramp on interior to access gooseneck area, custom lighted sign at nose.
GVWR 29100 lbs)
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